In the context of the EuroCC 2 project, within the framework of industry and academia cooperation, many dissemination activities such as training, seminars, and workshops will be organized in the fields of High-Performance Computing (HPC), Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence in order to improve the competencies of the HPC-related groups. Case studies will be carried out with SMEs having problems in the field of High-Performance Computing/Big Data/Artificial Intelligence. In this framework, free consultancy and TRUBA infrastructure support are provided. All these studies have been carried out within the framework of the competencies developed during the first two years of the EuroCC Project by NCC Türkiye. These competencies are given under 4 different headings.
- Training and Awareness
- Consultancy and Case Studies
- Collaboration
- Services and Support
Click here for more information on studies conducted under these headings.