Within the context of the EuroCC project and as a part of the National Competence Center (NCC), we are conducting case studies with large, medium, and small-sized companies (public or private sector) and start-ups that have problems in the field of High-Performance Computing (HPC)/Big Data/Artificial Intelligence. A sufficient amount of free computation time/resources will be provided by TRUBA to implement the solution(s). As NCC Turkey, we can also share our expertise with you, guide you to the correct technology/hardware/software/algorithm, as well as the correct set of educational resources. If you would like to apply for a case study, please visit our page and fill out the application form.

The details of the case studies initiated as of 08.12.2020 within the scope of the EuroCC Project are given in the links below.

  1. Materials Modelling for Nanocomposite Optimization
  2. Text Processing of Social Media Messages
  3. Public Transport Analysis Platform
  4. Image-Based Content Moderation Project
  5. Fraud Detection with Graph Processing
  6. Code Modernization for Glass Industry
  7. Simulation Optimization of a Patented Design with Parallel Computing on TRUBA Cluster
  8. Migration of Casting Process From in House Computer System to HPC Environment
  9. HPC for Machine Learning and Digital Twin Health
  10. Creating the Simulation-Based Digital Twin of a High-Speed Fan on an Internet-of-Things (IoT) Platform
  11. Real-Time Determination of the Physical Data of Granules and Ore Material Particles Development of the Test Bench and Creation of Particle Material Library
  12. CFD Analysis of SNCR Injection in a commercial Boiler for Reduction of NOx Emissions
  13. Comparison of open-sourced computational fluid dynamics programs for numerical study to solve the combustion, flame form, and emissions (especially NOx emission) in a burner and a boiler
  14. Optimization of physics parametrizations widely used in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and high accuracy predictability of complex weather phenomena
  15. Wind Turbine Rotor
  16. Parallel Solution of Compressible Navier-Stokes Equation
  17. Parameter Tuning for Antenna Design
  18. Recommendation Engine and Machine Learning on Big Data
  19. CFD Simulations for Powertrain Test Labs
  20. Synthetic IoT Data Generation using HPC Infrastructure