- Abinit
- Amber
- Ansys
- Gromacs
- Matlab
- Namd
- Gaussian09
- Lammps
- Quantum Espresso
- R
- Siesta
- Vasp
Math Libraries
- Mkl
- Acml 4.4
- Acml 5.1
- Fftw
- Blas
- Lapack
- Scalapack
MPI Libraries
Compilers and Debuggers
- Gcc 4.8.5
- Gcc 6.4
- Gcc 7.1
- Parallel Studio 2013 sp1
- Parallel Studio 2018 sp1
- Parallel Studio Cluster Edition 2018 Update 2
- Intel C++ Compiler 18.0
- Intel Fortran Compiler 18.0
- Intel Distrubition for Python
- Intel Math Kernel Library
- Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library
- Intel Integrated Performance Primitives: Guide | Cryptography
- Intel Threading Building Blocs
- Intel VTune Amplifier
- Intel Advisor
- Intel Inspector
- Intel MPI Library
- Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector
- Intel® Cluster Checker
- Cuda 4.4
- Cuda 5.5
- Cuda 7.5
- Cuda 9.0