EuroCC@Turkey Graph School was held on 17-20 November 2021

GraphSchool Poster1

In collaboration with NCC Turkey, academicians from Sabanci University and Middle East Technical University organised a four-day (17-20 November 2021) EuroCC@Turkey Graph School to attract researchers’ attention about Graph Theory and provide basic and advanced information on the subject. The school included lectures on Graph Algorithms, Network Science and Graph Embedding, spectral graph theory, Spark GraphX, Graph Databases, Graph Neural Networks. In total, there were 223 participants from academia and industry registered to the Graph School. The number of active participants reached over 100. All the video recordings of Graph School have been published on EuroCC@Turkey YouTube Channel. All the presentations, python workbooks, and video links can be accessed via the event website.

More details about the EuroCC@Turkey Graph School were published on the EuroCC Access web page.